I’m new. To this fashion thing anyway. But it’s been in me since my earliest memories. I have always loved clothes. I don’t have a great memory for family history, but I can still remember favorite outifts and shoes from my childhood, things I wore on the first day of junior high, my favorite vintage dress from college. For most of my life I’ve kept that part of myself locked up, thinking that there were other more important things I needed to do with my life. As a woman in mid-life with children I realize that time’s up. Pursuing something I love is worth slogging through the doubts: How can I do this? How can I do this and maintain my values? Does the world need more clothes? As I’ve answered these questions, I've of course come up with other more complicated ones. This industry needs to shift. Fashion is the second dirtiest industry in the world, affecting our soil, air and water. Over consumption has turned clothing into a disposable item. At this point there isn’t a way to make fashion truly sustainable, apart from buying everything second hand. I hope to offer transparency about my process as I find my way. I don’t know all the answers yet; I’m still learning, but here’s what I’ve come up with so far.
Commitments – My mission is to be transparent as I work to reduce the negative impact of my business on people and the environment.
Materials – Natural and organic, recycled or regenerated fibers and deadstock will be my first choice for production. Durability, comfort and beauty are equally important. Well chosen materials ensure things that are loved and last.
Manufacturing- Working with local manufacturers allows me to visit the factories and ensure that workers are safe and paid a living wage.
Design – My goal is to create beautiful utilitarian garments. Clothes you wear on repeat that are comfortable and have purpose. Fewer better things allow space for more of what brings us joy.
A Woman in harmony with her spirit
is like a river flowing.
She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination
prepared to be herself
and only herself ”
― Maya Angelou
sheila stilin said:
The honesty of style,material, and concern for our values with the environment make this website intriguing. One should take a good look at
the models , and how natural and comfortable they look in the styles they are wearing. It is a refreshing way to look at simple luxury.
Thanks for the new journey into a thoughtful fashion.
December 03, 2018