I had the pleasure of talking with Kristan Vermeulen @makersofmaine to share a little background about the story of Herself and myself.
We talked about my lifelong love of fashion and the craft of clothing making, the circuitous path that it took to launch the business and all the help that I received along the way.
Starting a solo business can be lonely and without the support of friends, family, co-collaborators and supportive customers it would be downright impossible!
A blurb from the feature:
“My mother was a sewer and she used to always bring me to fabric stores. I can still picture myself going through the rolls of cloth and just looking and loving things,” said Heather Stilin, owner and fashion designer of herself clothing, “I learned to sew at a young age and sewing requires a lot of patience. My mother always finished my projects but I kept doing it into adulthood. When I was probably in my mid-30s, I realized that I really wanted to make things that I was picturing in my head that weren't available on a pattern.”
Heather currently crafts her beautiful pieces in South Portland but before starting her business and starting her family here in Maine she lived in Northern California. She attended a pattern-making school in San Francisco and learned how to make her own patterns. She learned how to bring her ideas to life.
Also be sure to check out the Makers of Maine website! Thank you, Kristan!
Sheila Stilin said:
Hey, this is my lovely daughter and I am so proud of her. Dad says so too
September 15, 2021